
Using Computers at the Library

Wasco County Library offers access to computers during regular library hours. Card holders as well as guest users are allowed 1 hour of use on public computers per day. In some circumstances, extensions may be granted at the discretion of library staff.

The transmission, dissemination, and duplication of information is regulated under various state and federal laws. Users are expected to comply with these laws.

The library does not censor material available through the Internet and is not responsible for its accuracy, currency or propriety. Library customers use the Internet at their own discretion.

The library cannot guarantee the availability of computers, nor guarantee that an internet connection will be available during business hours but will make reasonable efforts to keep all equipment in operating condition. 

It is the responsibility of the user to use a personal storage device to save work created using the library’s computers. Work cannot be saved on library computers. The Library is not responsible for loss of work.